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Survival Kits 101

  • 1Step
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This course is a compilation of 20 years of searching for the top quality products along with most needed items for creating the ultimate all-natural healing kit at home. Some of these items are used daily and some used as needed. All of them are in my "do not go without" basket. Many of these do amazing things that need further education and instruction. I have done extensive work in finding the top quality items and the absolute best costs. Purchasing through me helps me be able to do more research, bring in more help, to bring many more classes, courses, and in-home training for you to turn into the healer of your own home! This will be a very detailed 101 course on every product Laura would recommend having in an All Natural Apothecary Survival Kit and what she keeps on hand in her home. She will cover: What each item is. How to use them in different ways. Links and Information to keep on hand.

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